But, it’s just another scam that targets small business owners.
We warned our clients about this scam in an email alert we sent to our clients in Wednesday November 21, 2012. https://ui.constantcontact.com/rnavmap/emcf/email/view?flow=view&camefrom=view&agent.uid=1111559141824
The scam was recently highlighted in a story in USA Today (http://www.usatoday.com/story/money/columnist/tompor/2013/08/15/small-business-scam-solicitation/2653175/).
An annual report for the corporation must be filed each with the Secretary of State and a fee – based on the amount of the corporation’s stated capital – and this is required to preserve a corporation’s status and protect the personal assets of the owners. Our firm offers to do this service as part of our Corporate Maintenance Plan™ (https://www.bellas-wachowski.com/lawyer-attorney-1283840.html) in which we offer year round services to our clients to help operate your business.