
Chicago Business Attorney Blog


TANSTAAFL – Scareware: The Bane of Small Biz Owners

Computer users would be well advised to remember TANSTAAFL when they’re online. TANSTAAFL, an acronym popularized by Robert A. Heinlein in his 1966 novel, The Moon is a Harsh Mistress, translates to: “There ain’t no such thing as a free lunch.” A fairly common “free lunch” on the Internet is…


Arbitration: Home Field Advantage for Big Business

Mandatory Arbitration: Friend of Big Business and Enemy of Consumers? Virtually every consumer contract now contains a mandatory arbitration clause that reads something like this: “All claims and disputes arising under or relating to this agreement are to be settled by binding arbitration.”  That sounds innocuous enough, at least until…


2014 – Texting Takes a Backseat and Other New Laws Affecting Illinois Businesses in 2014

 Illinois has adopted several new laws which will affect Illinois businesses. Here are just a few: Texting and Cell Phone use has been banned while driving in Illinois. Illinois businesses that have employees using vehicles as part of their work should take measures to insure that employees do not violate…


Common Problems With Business Start Ups

In my 40+ years of helping people start new businesses, I have identified several potential problems that entrepreneurs often overlook in their eagerness to get their business up and running. Businesses succeed because of a number of variables, not all of which can be foreseen. But many of the problems could have been…

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