It seems that every other news story involves Hillary Clinton,[1] emails, and the use of private servers, putting the topic of email deletion at center stage. But what can a Chicago business owner learn from the Hillary Clinton email story? There was a time when owning a business did not…
Chicago Business Attorney Blog
Ransomware: Small Business Owners Beware!
The Democratic National Committee is not the only victim of computer hacking[1]. In June of 2016, Bloomberg[2] reported on black market access to 70,000 hacked corporate and business servers. Even LinkedIn was victimized by computer hackers[3] who obtained 117 million passwords. To further complicate things, these types of cyber attacks…
Artificial Intelligence in Law
A law firm recently announced that are employing IBM’s Ross to work in their bankruptcy practice, which currently consists of 50 lawyers. What is interesting is that Ross is “the world’s first artificially intelligent attorney” combining apple’s Siri voice technology with IBM’s Watson cognitive computer. According to the firm’s website,…
Illinois’ Innovative New Crowdfunding Law Will Benefit Entrepreneurs
Small investors in Illinois will soon be able to invest in start-up businesses in exchange for a piece of the action, but without some of the onerous oversight previously required by regulatory agencies. Signed by Governor Rauner in July, 2015 the Equity Crowdfunding Act (HB 3429) is a game changing…
For Whom the Bell Trolls: Supporting the “Innovation Bill” To Stop Patent Extortion
It’s almost never a compliment when someone is referred to as a troll, but in the case of patent extortionists, it is an accurate and richly deserved description. Patent trolls are technically called “non-practicing entities” (NPE) or Patent Assertion Entities (PAEs), but these euphemisms provide only a dim definition of what…
Can You Record a Police Officer?
It is now legal in Illinois for citizens to record interactions with police without their consent, but it’s early in the game for too much celebration. In 2014, the Illinois Supreme Court found the state’s strict eavesdropping law to be unconstitutional under the First Amendment (People v Clark). Prior to…
Risky Business: Are You at Risk for Your Teen’s Party?
Throwing a party while Mom and Dad are out is a venerable teenage pastime, often regarded as naughty but ultimately harmless behavior. For philosophically permissive parents, allowing the kids to have a party while the parents are home is sometimes regarded as a better alternative than letting their offspring run…
Workplace Retaliation and Discrimination Claims: The Supreme Court clarifies the Standards Required
In decisions involving two recent cases, the US Supreme Court has made subtle but important changes to the standards affecting retaliation and discrimination cases. By applying more stringent criteria in two areas, the Court has limited the ability of workers to file these types of lawsuits against business…
Beware Corporate Compliance Scams Posing as the Illinois Secretary of State
In a world preoccupied with internet spam and phishing attacks, beware the old school scalawags who operate their rip-offs through the U.S. mail! Like their online counterparts, they are trying to lighten your wallet by offering bogus products – in this case “corporate compliance” services. When your business…
Managing Your Post-Mortem Facebook Legacy
The central tragedy of human existence is that our lives on the earthly plane are finite. Saint or sinner, the time must come when each of us departs this mortal coil. But whether or not you believe in an afterlife, there is a higher power that dictates how…