Neural Data: What Illinois Business Owners Need to Know California enacted an Amendment to the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) that adds neural data to the list of protected personal sensitive information. For Illinois business owners—especially those conducting business in California or utilizing neurotechnology—this development is worth understanding, as it…
Articles Posted in Electronic
Insurance Coverage for BIPA Violations: A Growing Challenge for Illinois Businesses
Insurance Coverage for BIPA violations. Businesses across Illinois are facing serious challenges in securing insurance coverage for lawsuits brought under the Biometric Information Privacy Act (BIPA). And a recent decision by the federal court in Chicago – Westfield Insurance Company v. UCAL Systems, Inc. – dealt yet another blow to…
Are Smart Contracts Smart for Your Business?
Aret Smart Contracts Smart? Imagine if the paper on which your business’ contracts are written could somehow come to life and automatically send payments to your collectors—and receive payments from your debtors—at the appropriate times, as different provisions of said contract are triggered. That’s more or less how electronic smart…
Does Your Cyber Insurance Protect Your Business While Working Remotely?
Cyber Security Issues while working remotely. Does your cyber liability insurance cover data breaches that occur while employees are working at home, using their personal devices such as tablets and laptops? There’s no time like the present to look into this issue, with most employees telecommuting and hackers perhaps sensing…